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How it works for designers

How it works for designers

MoreDesign’s mission for TalentLAB: to create a platform for anyone with a great design idea and put the best of those ideas into production.

TalentLAB. Where great ideas get ready.

1. Idea

You upload your idea to

2. Shortlist

Moredesign’s design team shortlist the best entries every two months

3. Prototype

We make samples of the shortlisted designs, and photograph them for the TalentLAB store

4. Product live

The shortlisted designs are displayed on the TalentLAB store for backers

5. Shout about it

Upload your design to TalentLAB and explain why it’s a product worth

6. Backers

Customers pay a small refundable deposit for the designs they want most

7. Make it

When a product hits its funding goal. Its goes into production and is listed on Moredesign

8. Win, win

Happy customers receive their product and designers get their pay.


How it works for designers


1. Create your profile

Join the TalentLAB community by creating an account, uploading a profile picture and telling the world why you stand out.


2. Share your design

You can upload your design to TalentLAB and explain why it’s a product worth making.


3. Get shortlisted

Every two months, we curate a selection of the best entries. A prototype of each will be made and photographed, ready to be listed on TalentLAB.


4. Get Make

Designs that reach their funding target are put into production. They’re now ready to be sold on Moredesign.


5. Get paid

It’s payback time. Designers receive royalties for every piece sold on Moredesign.

How it works for backers


1. Discover new design

Customers can browse creative design ideas on TalentLAB. We’ll curate a selection of the best products to back.


2. Back it, share it

Customers can support their favourite designs by placing a small deposit and telling others about it.


3. Design gets Make

If the backed product reaches its funding goal, we’ll let customers know they can now buy the product (minus their deposit) at a 30% discount.


4. Progress report

We’ll keep customers updated on their product’s progress – from production to delivery.


5. Early design adopter

Customers will be proud owners of a unique design made possible by TalentLAB.

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